BSG Newsletter 2021 Term 2 Issue 3

Bhaktivedanta Swami Gurukula publishes a fortnightly newsletter that covers a variety of learning activities in our early learning, primary, high and senior schools. The newsletter also includes notes about upcoming events, wellbeing advice and relevant information from our school’s administration. To access the most current issue of the newsletter published on 31 May 2021, please […]

Perspectives: Your School in Focus Gurukula Survey

Our school is participating in the Perspectives: Your school in focus survey. This is a school-wide survey for staff, students, parents/guardians, Board members and former parents to assist in the growth and development of our whole school community. The completion of this survey is voluntary, but your participation will support us in improving our school. It should […]

BSG Newsletter 2021 Term 2 Issue 2

Bhaktivedanta Swami Gurukula publishes a fortnightly newsletter that covers variety of learning activities in our early learning, primary, high and senior schools. The newsletter also includes notes about upcoming events, wellbeing advice and relevant information from our school’s administration. To access the most current issue of the newsletter, please click here. To stay connected with […]

Take A Stand Program by The Family Centre

On Monday, we had a group of wonderful workshops held at the School, facilitated by Jay, Tammie, Allan and Marlena from The Family Centre. Take a Stand is a one-day program which builds students awareness and skills around core values, self-respect, responding to peer pressure, and setting personal boundaries. Students will explore the issues and challenges around […]

Announcement Regarding 2020 End of Year Assembly

Dear Students, Parents and Staff, While I am happy for the much-needed rainfall, it unfortunately means we will need to cancel this year’s final School Assembly on Monday. Last night’s downpour has already raised the water well above the bridge to the farm, and the forecast for the next two days is as such that […]

Govardhana Puja

We had a small puja to Lord Giriraja on Monday the 16th of November, with students and staff taking part in the ceremony. Govardhana Puja is a commemoration of the day Lord Krishna lifted Govardhana Hill to provide shelter to the villagers of Vrndavana from the torrential rains sent by Indra, the lord of the […]

Early Learning & Kindergarten Announcement for 2021

The Bhaktivedanta Swami Gurukula is pleased to announce that we will be joining our Kindergarten class with the Pre-Kindergarten program for 2021. While it is with a heavy heart that we inform you that Vaisnavi Devi Dasi is resigning for personal reasons, she has afforded us the opportunity to rethink the way we have structured […]

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