Co-operation & togetherness Developing Confidence Cultivating a willingness to achieve
Years 1 and 2 work with their class teacher and teacher’s aide. They come together regularly with grade K for activities, excursions and projects.
The approach to learning is through themes, which carry across to all different subjects. E.g. if the theme is “transport”, this theme is carried through to English, Maths, Science, Geography, Art, etc., and is also reflected in the excursions.
These subjects are all taught through the lens of Krishna consciousness.
Years 3-4
Stage 2
The focus of Stage 2 learning is:
Being a Learner | Respect & Responsibility | Personal and Social Safety
On completion of Stage 1, our students move to a new classroom, and move from mixing primarily with the Kindergarten level, to working with the Year 5-6 class for creating a yearly Drama performance and attending the school camp. They also play in the same area as Year 5-6 during break times.
Stage 2 students progress to independent reading, viewing and responding to familiar and challenging texts and justifying interpretations of ideas, information and events using a range of skills and strategies.
They create well-structured imaginative, informative and persuasive texts in terms of topic, purpose, audience and language by drafting, proofreading and editing. They write with increasingly complex sentences, spelling, paragraphing, punctuation and grammatical features.
They continue to engage in Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Drama, Music and Visual Arts at the Stage 2 level, alongside Vaishnava Studies. Each subject is taught with the underlying themes of Krsna consciousness integrated wherever possible
Years 5-6
Stage 3
The focus of Stage 3 learning is:
Care and commitment Independent learning | Leadership Critical Thinking
Once students move to stage 3, they also move to a new classroom. They share a common eating and playground area with Years 3-4, acting as role models and leaders for these younger students. Students work alongside the younger students for a yearly drama performance and other projects and excursions.
Stage 3 is all about preparing students for the rigors of High School education. In literacy, students read increasingly detailed literary and factual texts and continue to develop more sophisticated levels of comprehension strategies. Students also advance their ability to compose complex texts that might be persuasive, entertaining or informative.
Students continue to develop their knowledge in the areas of Maths, Science, History, Geography, Creative Arts and Personal development, Health and Physical Education. Where possible, literacy is further developed within each of these subjects, as well as problem solving and critical thinking.
A strong curriculum of Krsna consciousness and values is explicitly taught and embedded into other learning areas where possible.
The emphasis in this stage is on students becoming more independent as learners, and developing the self-discipline and motivation to understand themselves better and reach their potential.