Pre-K & Kindergarten
The Hare Krishna School offers a Pre-Kindergarten service on Tuesday and Thursdays during school hours.
Here the children get used to spending time at the school, get to know the teachers and the school environment, and interact with the older children.
This gives Pre-K children a chance to learn from the older children, and it gives the older children an opportunity to look out for the younger children.
Our program focuses on play-based learning with lots of opportunity for play and creativity.
The pre-K program is open to all kids who are aged 4-5, or 3-year olds who are turning 4 before August of the year attending*.
*Please be advised that it is a condition of enrolment that your child be toilet-trained.
The focus of Pre-K Learning is:
Coordination | Listening skills
Creative expression | Alphabet and numbers
In the first two years students are divided into two groups within the same building (Pre-K in one and Kindergarten in the other).
These groups work individually with their class teacher, but come together regularly for activities, excursions and projects. This gives students the opportunity to form friendships with and learn from children slightly older than themselves, and allows the children to become familiar with their future class teacher.
In this year they are introduced to the basics of literacy (sounds, blending and reading) and numeracy (numbers from 1-100, basic addition and subtraction), as well as science and technology, history, geography, art/dance/music, and PDHPE.
The children are also allowed a generous amount of free play and creativity to assist them in their adjustment to school life.
The focus of Year K learning is:
Working together | Sharing and caring
Paying attention
Limited places available.
Please get in touch soon, as some classes will have waiting lists
Enrolments Open